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Viser innlegg med etiketten animes. Vis alle innlegg

mandag 15. september 2008

Watchdirect.TV - Hot New Product!

Watchdirect.TV - Hot New Product! The Only Movie Site With Live Trailers! Top 20 Movie, Pc Games, Anime, Music, Ipod And Tv Show Listings. Unreal Conversions!

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torsdag 11. september 2008

Anime Downloads Unlimited

Looking for Anime Downloads? Your search is over!! Because here at Anime Downloads Unlimited we make downloading anime and manga a breeze.

As a member you will receive 24/7 access to the Fastest (300X), Most Reliable (99.97% Up Time) and largest anime database network in the world.

Get access to the largest anime and manga downloading network on the planet, there are literally thousands of anime, manga, OST files available that you will be sure to find any series you want.

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The Explosion Of Japanese Anime

It is common belief that Japanese anime is a fairly recent thing. Infact, the truth is it has been around for many, many years.

Anime from Japan has a pretty ancient history. It began life through Japanese Manga (comics) which began to appear in the early 19th Century. The first ever manga was created by a Japanese artist named Hokusai. His manga, so named the Hokusai manga, embodied all of the ideology and crazy, sometimes complete fantasy ideas that we see in today's anime. To sum it up briefly, the Hokusai manga was a collection of sketches, somewhat organised into a book of sorts. As such, the drawing style was that of a sketch as apposed to the true anime style we see today.

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Unlimited Anime Downloads

The History Of Anime And Manga

The History of Anime begins in the early 19th Century. The common assumption made by people of western original is that anime came way, way after C19th, but infact it is true that anime has its roots in Manga. Manga is the common term for Japanese Comic.

The first ever manga appeared in the early 1800's, and was named the Hokusai manga - so named after its creator, the Japanese artist Hokusai. Hokusai produced a series of sketches that he eventually organised into a book. These sketches became widely known as the beginnings of manga. Each sketch in the Hokusai manga was unrelated to the last, and the sketches themselves were often on completely fantasy topics, such as outer space, monsters, dragons, and that kind of thing.

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Japanese Anime

To the world outside Japan, the word anime refers to animation of cartoon or comic-style illustrations that are of Japanese origin. These may either be hand drawn, computer-assisted animated illustrations, or a combination of both. For the Japanese however, the word anime refers to all things animated, regardless of origin. Anime is a constriction or abbreviation of animation.

In the early 20th century the live action show industry in Japan, due to a small market, was plagued by several major problems such as a lack of budget and production resources, a lack of talents and personalities suited for non-Asian stories and movies, and a lack of suitable locations for portraying western scenes. As such, the industry embraced animation as a perfect solution to their unique situation. Through animation, they could tell their stories without the constraints of the real world imposed on them. Imagine being able to tell a story about space travel without actually having to build a realistic shooting area. Or being able to tell western context stories without needing western looking actors at all? Everything you needed, you just drew as you went along. Read more...

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onsdag 10. september 2008

Explore The World Through The Anime Games

Every child feels a tingle of excitement while he is engrossed in the marvelous anime games that are brooding with unflagging activities and in the same time unfathomable mystery. These anime games “mesmerize” the little children through the captivating way they are conceived, imbuing the fashionable anime girls and boys with the spirit of adventure and feeling of ownership.

Moreover what is important to mention about the anime girls and the other characters is that their actual drawing may take the artist some time and of course a deep insight into the way the human body is built. The proportions of the anime characters are tied in with the human body. While drawing for example an anime girl or boy the artist has to firstly focus on the height of the head. This is a very important requirement in order to obtain a veritable anime image. A good thing to know is that head heights can be different as long as the body parts are drawn in a proportional way.

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Anime 101

Simply put, anime is a form of cartoon animation created in Japan, which explains animes formerly-popular moniker, Japanimation. Anime’s history began at the start of the 20th century. This was when Japanese filmmakers began trying out new animation techniques that were being used in the Western world. Anime did not reach mainstream status until the 1980s, and since then it has blown up not only in Japan, but around the globe.

Part of the draw that anime possesses is the fact that they can target wide ranges of viewers. This is due to the fact that animes are not confined to one category, but run the entire gamut of genres, including action, sci-fi, drama, romance, horror, and yes, even erotica. Many animes do not limit themselves to one particular genre and mix genres together.

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Download Free Anime Movie - Best Anime Movies

You want a free anime movie download, but you dont know the best ones out there. You will find many sites devoted to paid and free anime movie download, but you still dont know which ones are considered the classics. Read on to find out more about classic free anime movie download. You may or may not agree with the following choices of free anime movie download.

The anime movie Akira, was released in 1988 and is considered to be one of the defining moments in the history of Japanese anime. It dared to go where no other animated movie that had gone before, with attention to the details that made an only previously dreamed of realistic world. Akira was written and directed by Otomo and was based on the manga he created, set in a post-apocalyptic Japan that is occupied by fierce biker gangs.

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Anime Ringtones – Crystalline Sounds On Your Phone

If you are anything like me you will have no idea what I am talking about when I say the word anime. Until about 20 minutes ago I had no idea what it was, and I definitely didn’t know that there was such a thing as anime ringtones.

Apparently anime is what my friends and I always called Japanimation. I am sure that all those cartoons are not made in Japan but, well that is what we always called them. You know the cartoons, the ones with the weird backgrounds and the people with the really sharp facial features. All the girls are half naked and when they fight they always have a sword or something in their hand and the background blurs together. We always called it Japanimation but I am sure anime is the more correct term.

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Speed Racer: Cartoon Or Anime?

The story and characters in Speed Racer came from the Japanese manga (Japanese comic book) Mach GoGoGo. Mach GoGoGo was subsequently released as an anime, or Japanese cartoon, also titled Mach GoGoGo. Both manga and anime have a very distinctive visual style quite different from western comics and cartoons. The English rights to Mach GoGoGo were acquired by Trans-Lux, for American syndication. The title Go Mifune was changed to Speed Racer and the lead character's name was changed from Go Mifune to Speed Racer.

These early Speed Racer episodes were dubbed by Peter Fernandez, using his own voice for both Speed Racer and his arch nemesis Racer X. The fast pace of the English dialogue is a result of Fernandez trying to keep up with the original characters lip movements. This effort was further complicated by the complex storylines in comparison to more simplistic Western cartoons. The original dubbed episodes were often parodied due to the extremely fast speech of the characters.

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Sugar Boots – Bitten By The Anime Bug

First came Akira, widely regarded as one of the finest works of Anime ever made. Then came the international crazes known as Pokémon and the sensory overloading Tamagochi. Now, a boots company in the west, Sugar Boots, brings you the latest colorful craze to emit from the Far East. Sugar Boots presents the “Origami Boot Camo”, an easy-on-the-eye yet thoroughly distinct boot, inspired by the art form that Japan made its own in the 80’s.

Bringing you the latest in trendy and artistically sophisticated footwear, Sugar Boots has, with this latest release, truly raised the bar in style and convenience, as well as keeping the stable and durable design that has cemented the status of Sugar Boots as a leading brand in shoes and boots.
As with the cultural classics that it follows, the “Origami Boot Camo” is, with its special ‘Vulcanized’ rubber midsole and outsole, destined for longevity and popularity in your wardrobe. It’s camouflage pattern is highly versatile, easily adaptable to any outfit you want to wear, as well as being a striking pattern to find on footwear.

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3 Ways To Download Anime Series

The advent of the anime art and manga has caused a stir among fans of cartoons, and this has led to the spawn of websites offering several ways to download anime series. Popular hits are Bleach, One Piece, Dragon Ball Z, and many more. Animes are very popular because the characters are child-like in appearance and nature; yet, the dialogues and storyline are for adults. Besides, the action-packed series boast of stunts and impossible fighting matches that not even Bruce Lee, Jet Li, and Jackie Chan can surpass.

People are always lurking for ways to avoid forking out big bucks. They will pay pennies and dimes only for Internet downloads that they will watch only once. In all practical sense, no one will really pay for something if it is possible to get the items for free. To download anime series for pennies, one does not need to violate copyright laws. There are many programs and software that people may use to get videos and music files without having to rip off the producers and artists of their hard-earned work.

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mandag 8. september 2008

The Difference Between Cartoons And Anime Explained!

Us admins get this question asked to us every now and then in regarding the difference between the two and we have decided to answer it publicly in depth. So for you people looking for some good grounded answers, this post should give you some good basis to distinguish the two.

Cartoon is a term that once referred to fine art during the renaissance period. Somehow, though, the term’s meaning evolved (or devolved, depending on how you look at it) into humorous and witty illustrations and, finally, into animated programs meant to entertain people, mostly children. For, clarity, the term ‘cartoon’ in this article shall be referring to the animated programs. Recently, however, a new term has been coined: Anime. And the distinction between these two has caused much confusion.

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The Best Anime Video Downloads On The Net

If you're an anime fanatic then you would want only the best anime video downloads the Internet can offer. However, the problem lies in finding out which sites hold the best anime videos? In order for you to screen out the bad from the good sites, you need to know what to look for in order to qualify a site as a good, if not the best, download site for anime.

You can choose to download for free or pay for the video downloads by joining a membership site. There are advantages and disadvantages to each of these choices. By downloading for free, you get a copy of your favorite anime without shelling out any amount. However, the copies you get may not be of good quality and often time free sites do not have the complete list of episodes you want.

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Anime Wallpapers & Arts

Forget the old plain Windows background. With, you have a choice of thousands of unique wallpapers from all animes & themes to personalize your desktop.

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Anime Games

Have a gaming console & love anime? What a beautiful Combo! With, you have access to hundreds of game downloads for all kinds of consoles, including PSP, Xbox/360, Play station, PC & More.

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Music Clips and Soundtracks

We give you access to all the anime audio material your ears could ever dream of. Were you touched by a precise anime music? Or do you just want to fill your mobile with hundreds of ringtones based on your favorite shows? has them all!

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Drama & Live Action

Watch hard to find live actions dramas and movies that are based on popular anime shows and manga comics from all over the world including the popular Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese and Chinese dramas.

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Manga Downloads

We know all anime fans like to read manga while waiting for their favorite show. We, at, love manga too! This is why we give you access to over 500 manga series available for you to download and read.

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søndag 7. september 2008

Anime Downloads

From the oldest to the newest animes, we have complete and on going anime series ready for you to download. We have over 800 series from wich you can download any episode you would like, including rare and classic animes you couldn't find anywhere else.

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